Labrador Retriever vs Golden Retriever
Labrador retriever vs golden retriever

It’s time to compare two of the most iconic, popular dogs of all time: the Golden and Labrador Retriever When you think of retrievers, the lab and golden are probably the first two that come to mind. Both retrievers are known for their friendly personalities and keen intelligence. But what’s different between these two dogs? […]

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6 Simple Steps to Train Your Stubborn Dog
how to train your stubborn dog

So, your dog is ridiculously stubborn? We can help. As much as you love your dog, we know the stress of trying to train a “stubborn” dog can be overwhelming. While it will take more effort and strategy, even the most difficult of dogs can be trained. With a few simple tips, you’ll be on […]

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English Pointer – Characteristics, Facts, and Information about Pointers
English Pointers

English Pointer Overview The English Pointer, often referred to as only “pointer”, is a true athlete. Pointers are bred to hunt. They absolutely love hunting, and will make a wonderful pet for anyone who loves chasing upland birds. Expect most Pointers to be extremely friendly, and possess incredibly high energy levels. You must be willing […]

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12 Mind-Blowing Facts about Dogs
Facts about dogs

1. Bloodhounds can track scents over 300 hours old. For those without a calculator handy, that’s 12 and a half days. Can you imagine how overwhelmed their sniffers must be on a daily basis? It’s also said their wrinkly skin helps trap scent, while their droopy ears serve as “scent sweepers,” redirecting scents off the […]

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Vizsla vs Weimaraner
vizsla vs weimaraner

The vizsla and the weimaraner are both incredible hunting dogs with names that are easy to misspell. If you’re able to give these two dog breeds the affection and exercise they need, you’ll be rewarded with a committed companion that takes nearly no maintenance. So which dog should you get? Today, we’re comparing the vizsla […]

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Dogs are Actually Turning Blue – The Cause is Disturbing
dogs are turning blue

Dogs are turning bright blue in Taloja, an industrial neighborhood in Mumbai, India. No kidding, they’re actually turning blue. Residents were surprised when stray blue dogs started roaming the streets of Taloja. According to The Guardian, 11 blue dogs have been sighted so far. No, it’s not Blue’s Clues Why are these dogs turning blue? […]

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11 Websites Every Dog Owner Should Know
websites every dog owner should know (3)

There are millions upon millions of websites out there, and thousands upon thousands are devoted to dogs. It can be time consuming finding the best resources among low quality websites. Here are 11 of our favorite websites we think every dog owner should know. From dog health, to training tips, dog travel, and more, here […]

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10 Dog Training Mistakes You’re Probably Making
dog training mistakes

While training a dog can be extremely rewarding and fulfilling, it can also be downright difficult and defeating. To help strengthen your relationship with your dog, we’re listing the 10 dog training mistakes we see all the time. If you’re looking into your first dog, prepare yourself and save yourself headaches by learning from the […]

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9 Tips to Pick the Perfect Hunting Puppy
pick the perfect hunting puppy

Having a great dog makes hunting better. Having a poor hunting dog can make your hunt miserable. The perfect hunting dog starts with picking a great hunting puppy. This task can be daunting. There are a lot of great hunting dog breeds out there, and lots of different opinions around the hunting community. There are […]

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